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[E] Donperuvian1
[E] Donperuvian1
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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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MineCraft Ingame Name: Donperuvian151 Age: 17 Years Old TimeZone: Eastern Time Zone Hours / Weekdays and Weekends: 15 - 20/25 Hours How Long Have You Been In MineTown: Its been over a month / month and a half now. I have been on the prison server for over 2 weeks. Have You Ever Been Banned Before. Why: I have never been banned from a server before. Do You Have Any Previous or Current Experience With Minecraft Administration: I have had previous experience with Minecraft Administration in another server. I am not currently in any administration with any servers. Do You Have Any Previous or Current Experience With Minecraft Prison Administration: No I have not had an experience with Minecraft prison Adminstration. How Are Your PVP Skills: My PVP skills are good. i have been playing minecraft for over 3/4 years. I can PVP well. Explain The Concept of A Minecraft Prison Server: Minetown's Prison server is a roleplay server that is intended to simulate life in prison. There are guards, they are the ones that are supposed to stop from any riots breaking out and keeping the prison a safer environment, and there are prisoners, they are the ones that are supposed to work hard to earn their freedom. Prisoners must first Pass through 4 levels of the prison in order to gain their freedom. Levels start from block D then move up all the way to block A. After block A prisoners can buy their way into freedom. Have You Spoken Much On Minetown Mumble?: Due to recent job loss, I cannot afford mumble. When I get a job I will be sure to get Mumble. Do You Have Skype?: I do have Skype. I use it sometimes. Why Do You Think You Will Make A Good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I Think I would be a good officer because I would like to help keep the Prison in order and help with reducing the amount of contraband that happens in the server. I usually get on at nights and when i get on I see a lot of prisoners with contraband because there are no guards on at night. I would like to help as an officer, especially during nights, keep contraband to a minimum so that all prisoners can have fun playing during day and night. Additional Information You Would Like To Tell Us?: Thanks for taking your time to look at my application. Donperuvian151
over 11 years ago
Minecraft Ingame Name: Donperuvian151 Age:17 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Eastern Time Zone Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): 5 How long have you been in MineTown: about 1 month Have you ever been banned before? Why?: nope, i respect all the mods and rules Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration?: yes i used to be an op in another server i used to play in and also i was a team leader in an in-game server of another server Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft Prison administration?: no i just started playing prison yesterday How are your PvP Skills?: excellent.. i have been playing minecraft for over 5 years. Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server: the concept of minetown's prison server is to become a free man by escaping 4 different level in prison. Block D is where everyone starts out and have to work there way up through Blocks C, B, and A. This can be done by collecting items and selling them in the Admin shop in order to make money so that you may have enough to go to higher blocks. Block D is heavily guarded and has a large PvP area. Block C is medium guarded and has a medium arena. Block B is less guarded than the last 2 blocks and has a slightly smaller arena than both as well and Block A is not guarded at all and has no arena. Have you spoken much on Minetown Mumble?: No i just recently found out about it and will most likely, if given the position, download it. Do you have Skype?: Yes Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain: I like when a server is fair and also respectful. i do not abuse of the power that i have and also that to all whom are playing Prison, they may have an enjoyable time and come to better like the server. I will follow the rules that are not only given to officers, but also the rules of the prisoners in Prison server. Additional information you would like to tell us?: Thank you for taking your time to taking my application into consideration. i look forward to your response. thanks again.
over 11 years ago